History Hustle
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The War of the Pacific (1879 – 1884) – The Epic War between Chile and Peru (and Bolivia)
The War of the Pacific, fought from 1879 to 1884, was a conflict that reshaped the political landscape of South America, involving Peru, Chile, and Bolivia. The conflict is also known as the Nitrate War, Guerra del salitre, Saltpeter War or Ten Cents War. The roots of the war can be traced to long-standing border disputes and economic tensions over resource-rich territories, particularly the nitrate-rich regions in the Atacama Desert. The conflict began in 1879 when Chilean forces, led by President Hilario Lagos, initiated hostilities by seizing the port city of Antofagasta, a region contested by Bolivia and Chile. Bolivia, already economically weakened, faced further setbacks as its access to the Pacific was cut off. Shortly after, Chile declared war on Peru, escalating the conflict. The war saw significant naval engagements, such as the Battle of Angamos in 1879, where the Chilean navy secured control over the sea, limiting Peru's ability to support its army. Land battles ensued, marked by notable clashes like the Battle of Tacna and the Battle of Arica. Bolivia, unable to regain its coastal territory, suffered a crippling blow with the loss of the Atacama Desert. Meanwhile, Peru faced defeats on multiple fronts, leading to the occupation of its capital, Lima, by Chilean forces in 1881. The conflict finally came to an end in 1884 with the signing of the Treaty of Ancón. The terms of the treaty favored Chile, as it acquired substantial territories from both Peru and Bolivia. Bolivia lost its access to the Pacific, becoming a landlocked nation, while Peru ceded the provinces of Tacna and Arica.
The War of the Pacific had lasting consequences for the involved nations. Bolivia's loss of coastal territory remains a point of contention to this day, and the conflict left scars on diplomatic relations in the region. Additionally, the war highlighted the importance of control over valuable resources, such as nitrates, which became crucial for the industrialization of the participating countries in the years that followed.
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- Andean Tragedy. Fighting the War of the Pacific, 1879-1884 (William F. Sater).
- A Brief History of Peru (Christine Hunefeldt, Bill Harris).
- A Brief History of Bolivia (Waltraud Q. Morales).
- www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-45708671 (25-12-2023).
Images from commons.wikimedia.org.
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Переглядів: 10 666


The Jasenovac Concentration Camp in Croatia during World War II
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The Jasenovac Concentration Camp was established by the Ustaše regime, a fascist and ultranationalist movement, during World War II in the Independent State of Croatia, which was a puppet state of Nazi Germany. Located in modern-day Croatia, Jasenovac became one of the largest and most brutal concentration camps in Europe. Jasenovac was primarily used to imprison and exterminate ethnic and reli...
Argentina during World War II
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During World War II, Argentina pursued a policy of neutrality. This stance was largely influenced by its president at the time, Juan Perón, who maintained close ties with both the Axis and Allied powers. While officially neutral, Argentina did provide some support to the Allies, such as supplying food and raw materials. However, it also harbored Nazi war criminals after the war through a networ...
The Bombing of Belgrade (1941) - Germans Launch Operation Retribution
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Operation Retribution, also known as the German bombing of Belgrade in April 1941 or Operation Punishment, was a military campaign conducted by Nazi Germany against the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during World War II which kicked off the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia. At the time, Yugoslavia was a recently formed country consisting of several ethnic and religious groups. In March 1941, a coup d'état oc...
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Paraguay during World War II
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Paraguay during World War II
Croatia during the First World War
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Chile during World War II
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Chile during World War II
The Kosovo Uprising (1944-45) - Tito's Last Uprising to Crush
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Peru during World War II
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Peru during World War II
The Novi Sad Raid (1942) - Hungarian Massacre in Serbia during World War II
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The Novi Sad Raid (1942) - Hungarian Massacre in Serbia during World War II
Gran Colombia (1819 - 1831) - the South American Super State under Simón Bolívar
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Gran Colombia (1819 - 1831) - the South American Super State under Simón Bolívar
The Battle of Hamburg (1945) - The Last Battle for Northwest Germany
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Serbia during the First World War
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Colombia during World War II
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The Capture of Fort Eben-Emael (1940)
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The Capture of Fort Eben-Emael (1940)
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The Dutch Antilles during World War II
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The Dutch Antilles during World War II
The Surinamese Military Dictatorship of Dési Bouterse and the Civil War
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The Surinamese Military Dictatorship of Dési Bouterse and the Civil War
The Berbice Slave Uprising (1763)
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The Berbice Slave Uprising (1763)
Lithuanian Collaboration in World War II
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Lithuanian Collaboration in World War II
The Hungarian Occupation of (parts of) Yugoslavia during World War II (1941 - 1944)
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The Hungarian Occupation of (parts of) Yugoslavia during World War II (1941 - 1944)
How Suriname Became Independent from the Dutch
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How Suriname Became Independent from the Dutch
The Partisan Capture of Zagreb in World War II and the Downfall of the NDH
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The Partisan Capture of Zagreb in World War II and the Downfall of the NDH
The Assassination Franz Ferdinand (1914) - The Direct Cause to WW1
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The Assassination Franz Ferdinand (1914) - The Direct Cause to WW1
The Short-Lived Second Czechoslovak Republic (1938 - 1939)
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The Short-Lived Second Czechoslovak Republic (1938 - 1939)
The Feared Dutch Colonial Gendarmerie: 'Korps Marechaussee te voet'
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The Feared Dutch Colonial Gendarmerie: 'Korps Marechaussee te voet'
The Partisan Capture of Sarajevo in World War II
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The Partisan Capture of Sarajevo in World War II
Dutch Waffen-SS Veterans in Indonesia and Korea
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Dutch Waffen-SS Veterans in Indonesia and Korea


  • @carloko08
    @carloko08 12 годин тому

    buuu, tu video es como las weas, ERES UN PÉSIMO, PÉSIMO PROFESOR Y PEOR, PEOR INVESTIGADOR, el tema que abordaste es TREMENDAMENTE IMPORTANTE para la historia de Chile Y LO CONTASTE COMO UNA ANECDOTA DE NOVATOS, LLENA DE IMPRECISIONES, LLENA DE VACIOS, Y COMPLETAMENTE FALTA DE EXACTITUD HISTORICA, menos mal que nunca seré tu alumno, y si lo hubiese sido me habria cambiado de colegio proximo video enseña historia de Holanda, quizas ahi seas mejor profesor

  • @Anthony-db7cs
    @Anthony-db7cs 12 годин тому

    So much German speaking land lost. Russians have plenty. It really is a shame.

  • @jignaciogonzalezl
    @jignaciogonzalezl 13 годин тому

    It's very sad how wrong this guy is historically speaking.. I just couldnt finish the video

  • @user-cf6gq1fj4w
    @user-cf6gq1fj4w 13 годин тому

    I am a Peruvian American doctor in Texas who likes this story of the Pacific War. I agree that Peru lacked cohesion as a nation to face this war. Despite this great historical wound, politicians and leaders have not acted as they should. Thanks for a good summary of this war.

  • @markfenwick4956
    @markfenwick4956 14 годин тому

    Autocracy, Orthodoxy , Nationality! I find it interesting in presentation and historical analysis these things are seen as bad or as our presenter noted " early version of Facism " The indigenous peoples of these lands like in this case Russia have every right to be whatever they want! These nationals blaming Jews for their problems yet not mentioning what the problems are? One was they blamed these leftist radical Talmudic style groups for the assination of Alexander II.....These Jews that perpetrated the worst crimes of the last 100 years and the reason they got away with it is the matter of the fact that the so called " Christian " neighbors of the Russian Empire were in on the greatest theft of all time! Even the fall of the Soviet Union these Oligarchs ✡️very unethically robbed the nation of its recourses!! I would love to see an investigation and which nations benefited to most 🪙💸💰💵whilst Mother Russia was under the evil comtrol of Communism!

  • @ericcleesak8074
    @ericcleesak8074 14 годин тому

    Absolute nonsense and propaganda

  • @inominate2024
    @inominate2024 14 годин тому

    The Ottomans never called it Palaestine. The entire empire (except Egypt) had no boundaries and,no states or provinces. The empire was arbitrarily divided into administrative areas called variously Beyliks or Valyets. The areas were created solely by the Sultan, who appointed administrators and their area of control, whenever it suited him. The administrators (Bey or Sanjak Bey if he was the equivalent of a general) were moved around regularly by the Sultan to ensure that none of them got enough local power to challenge his authority. There never was a country called Palaestine, After the destruction of the second temple the Romans controlled the Levant, today Syria, Lebanon, Jordan & Israel. A large section was called Syria Palaestina, after the ancient but extinct Philistines. The Message to Judea was clear, “Don’t cause trouble, or you are next”. The PLO/PA claim to be Palaestinians, of which they falsely claim to be descendant 6:13 . The irony is that the Philistines were not Semitic, they were sea peoples that were ethnically related to the Greeks. They were like Vikings, and caused a great deal of destruction in what is now the Gaza strip and the Egyptian Nile delta. They were chased out of the Nile Delta by Ra-Mesis III (Rameses) in 1175 BCE and suffered with the Judeans under invasions from Neo-Assyrian under Tiglath Pilesser III, then Sargon II followed by his son Sennacherib. The Philistines were finally and totally wiped out by the Babylonian Nebu-chot-nezzar (Nebuchadnezzar). After WW1, the newly formed League of Nations gave France a mandate to rule what is now Syria and Lebanon, and the British were given a mandate to J“Create a homeland for the Jewish people” that was to be from the southern border of the Syrian mandate, and from the Mediterranean & Red seas to the border of a new country created in Mesopotamia called Iraq. The British soon realized that “The League of nations territory mandated to Great Britain to prepare a homeland for the Jewish people” was a bit too long so, as an educated Britain had studied “The classics”, they resurrected the title Palaestine as an informal name for the mandated territory. Initially, the residents carried British passports over-stamped with “Palaestine”. Very soon, the British realized that they did not want the inhabitants of the middle east to be full British citizens with all the rights that came with citizenship, so they created a separate passport labelled Palaestine, even though no such country or state had never existed, even at that moment. It was Yasir Arafat that claimed that “We are not refugees, we are Palaestinians”, who he did not realize were Greeks, and the Bedouin Arabs DNA is closely related to that of the real Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula and not to the peoples of the Levant. The Israelites can be dated as resident in the Levant from well before the earliest mention known today, the Merneptah Stele in c. 1209 BCE at which time they had long been established in the Levant. In 1822 BCE They were known to the Sumerians as Apiru or Hapiru and were nomadic raiders. Another group of Semites Canaan called Hyksos who were who were dreaded as being violent when provoked, they were the Dynastic rulers (Pharaohs) of lower (Nile Delta) Egypt 1650-1550 BC until they were expelled by Pharaoh Ahmose I.

  • @lucaaaaaaaas
    @lucaaaaaaaas 15 годин тому

    Since the UK supported Chile and the US supported Peru this war is often considered as a proxy war between European colonialism and American imperialism. France also supported Peru since the majority of Peruvian mining industry was owned by the French, this country was the most hostile against Chile. On the other hand is the German perspective. The best example of it is the interesting message of the German ambassador to Chile, von Gülich to the Kaiser William I which explains the war of the Pacific to the German emperor: “(…) The true cause of the current war is, however, much deeper; It is the bitter envy, the living hatred that has prevailed against Chile for many years in Peru and Bolivia. Both countries, continually destroyed by revolutions and under terrible administration, envy Chile's material progress, its orderly political life, undisturbed by insurrections, its departure from the excesses between anarchy and despotism and its unimpeded ascent to a higher cultural step. (…) The great confidence that exists with the bravery of the Chilean soldier, who, without a doubt, is extraordinary (…) the Bolivian soldier is, like the Peruvian, mainly of Indian origin, very few with a mixture of European blood” (…) For the uncommitted European it is something undoubtable. All the cultured States of the world, interested in true civilization, can only wish for a definitive triumph for Chile, because it represents the interests of civilization in this war. Peru is, as far as its highest classes are concerned, sunk in corruption, which rises up against all values ​​and its total defeat gives hope of better conditions for foreigners in Peru and an improvement in the situation of the Peruvian people themselves. ”

  • @jorgeencina7935
    @jorgeencina7935 15 годин тому

    It was left unsaid that in peace talks between Chile and Peru, on an American frigate Lackawanna. The United States was interested in taking commercial advantage of the Nitrate and Guano. America for the Americans? That is why they defended that there was no territorial cession of Peru to Chile, to pay the costs of the war.

  • @fernandosilvazavan7434
    @fernandosilvazavan7434 17 годин тому

    Nice display of misinformation full of inacuracies and biased interpretation

  • @hobartw9770
    @hobartw9770 17 годин тому

    First I've heard of it.

  • @felipealmonacidalarcon9914
    @felipealmonacidalarcon9914 17 годин тому

    Bolivia 🇧🇴 was only 6 months in the war. Peru 🇵🇪 was in the war alone and Chile 🇨🇱 had the support of England 🇬🇧 in the Pacific war with arms and commands. After the war, Chile 🇨🇱 gave the control of the minerals and the railways of British Capitals. The real war was between Peru 🇵🇪 vs 🇬🇧 British Capital using Chilean army 🇨🇱. Peru 🇵🇪 was very alone in the war. USA 🇺🇸 didn't support to Peru 🇵🇪 because they knew the real enemy of Peru 🇵🇪: British Empire 🇬🇧. In those year, British Empire 🇬🇧 had wars in China 🇨🇳, India 🇮🇳, Paraguay 🇵🇾 and other parts around the war. The great question: Why didn't British Empire 🇬🇧 sell arms and warships to Peru 🇵🇪 and Chile 🇨🇱 receive all support? Remember who supported to UK 🇬🇧 in the Falkland War? Chile 🇨🇱 exists thanks to British Empire 🇬🇧 support since the beginning of the Chilean Republic.

    • @troundz8362
      @troundz8362 16 годин тому

      Oh nooo there he comes... my bro and his myth

  • @joonalavonen5929
    @joonalavonen5929 18 годин тому

    The civil war is pretty well handeled and in the past. In america there are folks seriously saying "the south shall rise again" in finland no one wants that genocide to return. I actually live in a piece of civil war history. My house was used by the local red guard as a headquarter.

  • @channeler231
    @channeler231 19 годин тому

    This war was as usual started by the british empire because they wanted to control the useful resource of saltpeter and guano back then but most people in these south american countries mostly denied the rol the british empire played in this war.

  • @nayareturrutia3971
    @nayareturrutia3971 20 годин тому

    You only watch the Peru's side of the history and it is innacurate, and put one side as the victims and its not true.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle 20 годин тому

      Please explain.

    • @nayareturrutia3971
      @nayareturrutia3971 20 годин тому

      @@HistoryHustle The conflict started becouse Bolivia don't respect the treaty about the taxes that Chilean entrepeneur paid for working the huano, and secretely signed with Peru a treated to expulse Chile for the territory, in that moment the mayority of population in Antofagasta was Chilean workers, and also you miss the fact that Chilean army was a minimun capacity after the Combate Naval de Iquique when Chilean people saw the death of Arturo Prat and wanted to fight for Chile. In the Combate de la Concepción 77 Chilean fighter with women and children was slothered for the Peru's army.

    • @nayareturrutia3971
      @nayareturrutia3971 20 годин тому

      ua-cam.com/video/DXeCQAsoCFg/v-deo.htmlsi=a4zbdphfl71hl7x4 This is a documentary that a Chilean journalist made a few years ago, he went to Perú and Bolivia to enterview all the sides, it would be helpful to saw more than one vision.

  • @tapultanul97
    @tapultanul97 21 годину тому

    Paraguay found no oil, but Bolivia did find in their quarter of the region.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle 20 годин тому

      You are right. There was indeed! But not as much as expected.

  • @user-hu7oh5fx1p
    @user-hu7oh5fx1p 22 години тому

    Jews and their lies will eventually be avenged.

  • @Hebrew_and_Yiddish_songs
    @Hebrew_and_Yiddish_songs 22 години тому

    That's horrific. Every time I think I've seen it all, I come across even more disturbing images or stories about antisemitism in Europe

  • @GarfieldRex
    @GarfieldRex 22 години тому

    South America had few conflicts, but are very interesting, and their results had consequences that mark the region to this day. Greetings from🇨🇴👌🏼

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle 20 годин тому

      Thanks for watching. There were a lot in the 19th century. But these were relatively small in scale.

  • @user-vm3qf9we2r
    @user-vm3qf9we2r 23 години тому

    Lieing like hell on this man. "WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?" were his last words. Tge people if his that suded with tge west, deserve the Libya they have now. No way i woukd have turned my back on him.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle 23 години тому

      Says someone with a user name Hoax Hoax.

    • @user-vm3qf9we2r
      @user-vm3qf9we2r 19 годин тому

      @@HistoryHustle User names have nothing to do with what's real or the truth. Gaddafi giving the people a stipend from the oil money? Giving married couples a stipend? Sending tgem anywhere in the world fir medical procedures for free? Cutting Europe out of having all phone calls to Africa having to go through Europe and the Europe to be over charge, so he gets with African nations to put a satellite in orbit and stations on the ground so African nations can have their own communication? Ghadaffi went after the Nazi United Nations Criminals and Swiss Templar banking cartels, the true antisemitics that hide behind these same people, Adolf was Irder Of the Garter just like the American president. Yea, Just keep hustling that fake history for that Temu ad money. Live like a billionaire. "What did I do to you?" Gadaffi's last words to his people. Kind of reminds my of King Philip The Fair and the French Revolution. And it's the same people that took Gaddafi off the scene. Templars.

    • @user-vm3qf9we2r
      @user-vm3qf9we2r 18 годин тому

      Then refute it with facts and not news clips of these mockingbird CIA photo ops. If you cant, just keep hustling fake history for Temu ad money on an american platform and live like a billionaire while your goofy government convinces you tiktok is a chinese spy.😂😂

  • @thiseas1595
    @thiseas1595 День тому

    Ολοι οι γείτονες της Ελλάδας το μονο που κάνουν ειναι να κλέβουν την ιστορια μας !Εχουν παρει εδάφη μας και οταν έχουν την ευκαιρία θέλουν να πάρουν και αλλα !

  • @lorpavez
    @lorpavez День тому

    Excelente video de un pasaje de nuestra historia.

  • @jhanjhan7396
    @jhanjhan7396 День тому

    The peruvian army was doomed from the beginning. The Chileans started arming about a decade before the conflict in line with the "DOCTRINA PORTALES", at the same time the peruvian army was is terrible shape. When war started it was clear the what the outcome would be. The enmity between both nations is because of the hatred of the chilean leadership to Peru in that war, to put that in context: even the germans were less savage when they invaded France in WWII...The question is: Why?

  • @anttikorva6039
    @anttikorva6039 День тому

    Hitler is finlands friend

  • @dickyiwansetiawan555
    @dickyiwansetiawan555 День тому

    Chile was able to win the Pacific war and was able to defeat Bolivia and Peru because of weapons assistance from Great Britain?

    • @lape2002
      @lape2002 День тому

      By that logic, Peru was also supported by France and the United States... In reality Chile had a slightly better prepared navy and used standardized Gras M1874 rifles while Peru and Bolivia had a mix mash of various French, American and Belgian guns with different calibers that caused great difficulties in logistics among many issues. Peru was also in a very dire economic situation that did not allow for foreign capital to flow while Chile had better possibilities there despite equally difficult economic standing.

  • @richardfarley6127
    @richardfarley6127 День тому

    shave off that nasty stuff on your face

  • @kiaragoosen6449
    @kiaragoosen6449 День тому

    Haven't watched the video yet, but the answer is yes :)

  • @DiederikZwager-kq1qp
    @DiederikZwager-kq1qp День тому

    Apparently many Dutch SS members were sent to the Indies to fight, this way they could clear their record. Perhaps some of them were a little more fanatic than the rest? Also don't forget that many KNIL soldiers were from a completely different part of the country and also a different religion so they couldn't care much about the locals.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle День тому

      Please check ua-cam.com/video/L0-sj8bO2_8/v-deo.htmlsi=iVTlMmLftYaiHQGB

    • @DiederikZwager-kq1qp
      @DiederikZwager-kq1qp День тому

      @@HistoryHustle Heel goed, dank je!

  • @iseron
    @iseron День тому

    Major Historical Inaccuracy at the Beginning! One month after the war began, Chile suffered a defeat at Iquique. This video incorrectly states it as a Chilean victory. Despite the setback, Captain Arturo Prat demonstrated immense heroism. He refused to surrender even though his two small ships were vastly outnumbered by the enemy's eight massive vessels. His bravery ignited a surge of patriotic leadership by example. This pivotal moment galvanized the entire Chilean nation. The country swiftly united and mobilized for war. The rest of the story unfolds as documented in history. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Iquique

  • @peterdebrie
    @peterdebrie День тому

    Looks like a mix between nazi’s and Canadian Mounties.

  • @quilmes99
    @quilmes99 День тому

    Perú campeón is a country that knows nothing but defeat. The funny thing they say is that they have never been humiliated 😂 🤣

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle 20 годин тому

      They won against Ecuador in 1941.

    • @quilmes99
      @quilmes99 17 годин тому

      @@HistoryHustle 😂

  • @denimgurung1726
    @denimgurung1726 День тому

    How dare you call him dictator 😢😢😢

  • @alannolan5126
    @alannolan5126 День тому

    sins u Mention this maybe war maybe u want to translate to English: this channel: www.youtube.com/@LaHistoriaCNTC

  • @user-nd1qw2sw4d
    @user-nd1qw2sw4d День тому

    La quarta sponda!! 🇱🇾🇮🇹

  • @leonardoflorentin
    @leonardoflorentin День тому

    8:45 nah as an argentine i would call thata as BS. Granted i wasn't alive back then but i just don't see (as an argentine) the common people ever backing the allies, the population is deeply anti-anglo till this very day. And of course we are not pro nazi either, that's why peronism (tercer movimiento) is a cultural identity in Argentina, because we do not fall under the category of the allies or the axis, and betwen the axis and the allies i believe we hate the allies more just because they still exist while the nazis had long gone.

  • @leonardoflorentin
    @leonardoflorentin День тому

    I was in a band where the drummer was a descendant of germans, i didn't really pay much attention to it not even realize he had a german surname till i saw a jar he has with the german imperial eagle print on it. I saw the jar and said to him "hey that's the german imperial eagel" he answered me "well duh, my surname is Hess" and i just froze, then i asked him "wait, hess? As in Rudolph Hess, the Nazi guy?" And he quickly replied "yes I'm related to that guy but i don't stand for any of what he stood for"

  • @andrewrobinson2565
    @andrewrobinson2565 День тому

    Excellent episode. Very educational 👍+1.

  • @ehaaron
    @ehaaron День тому

    That woman being chased by the boys is one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen

  • @ehaaron
    @ehaaron День тому

    these are so similar to hamas. I never knew nazis were this barbaric

  • @74jparralel38
    @74jparralel38 День тому


  • @ernstschmidt4725
    @ernstschmidt4725 День тому

    usually chilean historiography focus on the war before the occupation of lima. since it was the war fought between regular armies and navies. the war after lima occupation is usually brushed over both by contemporary and later historians, besides the battles of concepcion and huamachuco. but its impressive to know how the chilean occupation disintegrated the thin fabric of peruvian society and basically plunged peru into chaos until the chilean army retreated.

  • @naunclaros216
    @naunclaros216 День тому

    Well done, except that the battle in Iquique, as somebody pointed before, Huáscar sent to the bottom if the sea la Esmeralda. Hours later, la Covadonga made surrender the peruvian La Unión. Interesting subject.

  • @geoffreylee5199
    @geoffreylee5199 День тому

    In the mid1960s Bolivia declared war to retake these lands; there were more admirals on the Presidential balcony that day than at any time in their past.

  • @valdasendriulaitis50
    @valdasendriulaitis50 День тому

    What in the world are you talking about in claiming that the Breast-Litovsks was harsh treatment ? Not a square meter of ethnically inhabited Russian territory was requested by the central powers ! What the Russian empire lost was its colonial additions to the Russian empire there’s nothing harsh there , Russia lost Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia none of which were territories inhabited by the Russian people ! Get your history straight if you want to call yourself a historian ‼️🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪🇺🇦 it was the Versailles treaty of 1919 which was absolutely harsh and showed no respect at all for self determination by way of plebiscites. Had the infamous Versailles treaty been is just as the treaty of Brest lithovsks maybe they wouldn’t of been a World War II continuation of World War I ! And I know you know that for a fact but why you don’t want to discuss that I don’t understand 😳

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle День тому

      I don't get your anger. From the Bolshevik perspective these were harsh terms. The former Russian empire lost territory. Whether Russians lived there or not is not relevant. It is about the perspective.

  • @harryegden3696
    @harryegden3696 День тому

    Without a quickly defended border in the East how long before Germany was overrun after “ supposedly “ wars end. Fortunately the US had Harry Trueman who had spoken to officials from FDR’s day who had been aghast as to what he had caved in on…. And what he was about to following Yalta. It is lucky that Germany was not completely absorbed if it hadn’t been for Trueman and Earnest Beavan at Potsdam, that cobbled together the German Federal Republic, the disaster would have been total. Hopefully the US is mindful that having an elderly and infirm president can spell disaster.

  • @SlaughterSkorzenyJamesViceroy

    Argentina such a legend

  • @GoofyOldGuyPlays
    @GoofyOldGuyPlays День тому

    Dude, believe me, none of your videos are "boring", no matter the subject. Keep up the great work!

  • @JPC0101
    @JPC0101 День тому

    I have seen many of your videos, which I enjoy very much, but this time I must say that there are some confusions and mistakes. At the beginning of the war the Chilean army had just over 2.000 men, but had experienced officers who fought in wars against the Mapuches (that war lasted 300 years!). Chile had 2 powerful ships but Perú had one which was faster, the Huascar, and the Iquique naval combat (May 21st 1879) Chile lost one old ship, and Peru lost one of its best ships, the Independencia. Chile didn’t have dominion of the seas until the naval battle of Angamos (October 8th 1879), where Chile defeated Peru and captured Peru´s best ship, the Huascar, which was repaired and incorporated into the Chilean navy. The jump off the cliff of Colonel Alfonso Ugarte is just a myth but has no historical importance. It is important to mention that in all battles the number of soldiers fighting on each side was similar, so that no victory can be attributed to a higher number of soldiers; on the contrary, in almost all the battles the Chileans attacked, and the Peruvians / Bolivians fought in their defensive positions. The victory of Chile was due to several reasons: the organization of the war efforts, careful study and preparation of supplies, discipline and motivation of the troops (mostly volunteers), political stability (there was even a presidential election during the war).

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle День тому

      You provide extra information. Thanks for that. What is not accurate? I read Ugarte threw himself of the cliff. What did happen to him if he didn't jump?

    • @JPC0101
      @JPC0101 17 годин тому

      @@HistoryHustle About the myth of Alfonso Ugarte jumping off the cliff on his horse. First, it is very rare that a horse was in the defense area of the Morro, and it is impossible that a horse jumps into the void of a cliff: it simply won’t jump. Second, the battle report of the Peruvian artillery commander Manuel Espinoza, describes the moment when it was useless any resistance, and so Bolognesi ordered a cease-fire, but because that order couldn’t be heard, Colonel Ugarte went himself to give the cease-fire order, and the report says that Ugarte was killed while in that mission. Another battle report prepared by the second in command of the Peruvian defense, Manuel Camilo de la Torre, states that Ugarte and others “fell in the fight”. Ugarte’s body was later identified and it was taken to Lima, where it was buried at the Presbitero Maestro Cemetery.

    • @JPC0101
      @JPC0101 16 годин тому

      @@HistoryHustle What is not accurate is Chile didn’t have full control of the Pacific after the Naval Combat of Iquique (May 21 1879), but much later and only after the Naval Battle of Angamos (October 8 1879). There are some very interesting figures on the Chilean side: War Minister Rafael Sotomayor, he was the main organizer and strategist of the war, but died just before the battle of Tacna; General Manuel Baquedano, he commanded the Chilean Army and never lost a battle; Patricio Lynch, a former Chilean navy officer who fought in the British Royal Navy at the Opium War in China, and other wars, when he was moving from Pisco to Chilca by land to join the rest of the army, in many places he found Chinese workers living in slave conditions, so he freed them and as he spoke Mandarin, he was considered as their savior so they called him the “Red Prince”, and many Chinese joined the Chilean army in service duties, like carrying ammunition, helping the wounded, etc. Lynch fought at the Chorrillos Battle (which lasted over 9 hours) and Miraflores Battle were his performance was outstanding. He was appointed as Governor of Occupied Perú.

  • @trauko1388
    @trauko1388 День тому

    Errr... Chilean troops didnt sack the city, PERUVIAN DESERTERS sacked the city after they ran from battle to the point British, French and US marines had to be landed to restore order, and THEN Rufino Torrico the Mayor of Lima REQUESTED that the Chilean army enter the city to prevent further mischief.

    • @oscarberolla9910
      @oscarberolla9910 День тому

      Falso, no fue así.

    • @trauko1388
      @trauko1388 День тому

      @@oscarberolla9910 Estimado, en internet puedes encontrar la carta del alcalde de Lima pidiéndole a Baquedano que ocupe la ciudad que estaba siendo saqueada por el ejército peruano. Que en tu escuelita te hayan mentido y culpado a los chilenus malus es tu problema.

    • @trauko1388
      @trauko1388 День тому

      LA carta del alcalde Torrico puede ser encontrada con facilidad en intenert, igual que los detalles de fuente peruana sobre los saqueos en Lima por parte de los desertores peruanos. Así de fácil.

    • @HistoryHustle
      @HistoryHustle День тому

      Like I said: both plundered.

    • @trauko1388
      @trauko1388 День тому

      @@HistoryHustle No, the Chilean army entered the city a full three days after the battle of Miraflores, in march formation, bands playing ahead of its regiments. They didnt sack the city, they didnt plunder like the Peruvian deserters that sacked businesses, mainly Chinese-owned, and murdered their occupants until the deserters were killed or driven off by the foreign marines. Of course, during the three year occupation, there were instances of Chilean soldiers stealing and robbing the locals, happens in every occupation, but that is a very far cry from taking, sacking and plundering a city hot after a battle. You have to be careful with Peruvian sources, they are full of fairy tales.